Stretch Marks
Do your stretch marks love you more than you love them? Stretch marks are extremely common and anyone at any age can get them. While some people may choose to embrace them, others would prefer they be less conspicuous.
Benefits | Laser Treatment – Stretch Marks
Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center offers several modalities to treat stretch marks, which can be used singularly or in combination, depending on the various components of the stretch marks and one’s skin color.
Our lasers include collagen-forming, skin tightening and resurfacing technology to treats stretch marks from every angle for the best possible outcome.
Benefits of laser treatment include:
- Improved skin tone and texture
- Smoother, better looking skin without surgery
- FDA-cleared treatment
- Little to no downtime
- Minimal side effects
Stretch marks are challenging. While there is no technology that can totally remove them, their appearance can definitely be improved making them visibly less noticeable.
Depending on the color of the skin being treated, we can use one or a combination of lasers to achieve the best results.
Our fractional co2 laser has been used successfully to reduce stretch marks on the body, including the breasts, hips, and thighs.
Our Affirm laser can also be used to help rebuild the collagen and elastic structure around the marks, which smoothes out the texture of the stretch marks improving the overall appearance of the skin.
When you meet with our laser specialist for your consultation, we’ll address any concerns you may have. Individual results may vary.
Download the pre and post-treatment instructions form and learn what do to before and after your treatment.
Remember to sign the form and bring it with you to your appointment.
Though many people do not experience side effects from laser stretch mark treatment, mild side effects may include redness, swelling, and itching, all of which usually subside within a few days.There is little to no downtime, so you can get back to your regular activities quickly.
Laser stretch mark treatment requires a commitment to a series of treatments to see results. Actual results can take up to 3-5 months to develop.
Stretch marks, or striae, are a form of skin scarring that typically appears as bands of parallel lines on your skin. Their texture and color is different than your normal skin. Newer stretch marks tend to be red or purple in color while more mature stretch marks being a silvery white color. They most commonly occur during puberty, pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations, or anything that rapidly overextends the connective tissues under your skin.
Stretch marks form when the dermis – the middle layer of the skin that maintains shape and elasticity – is stretched more than it can tolerate. Connective fibers in the skin eventually break, disrupting collagen production and causing scarring.