Anti-Aging Treatments

Aging is caused by a combination of reasons which can be intrinsic and extrinsic: sun damage, loss of firmness and elasticity, genetics, lifestyle, etc. It is inevitable and part of life that exists

Spa Services

New, fresh, and healthy skin is a dream and goal that most people have and very few accomplish. But with spa services at Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center, we make those dreams a reality. It’s out with the old

Even Out Skin Tones

Lasers and skin resurfacing go hand in hand. At Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center, we offer many different techniques that are the perfect solution for complete facial rejuvenation to refresh the skin


Injectable treatments are some of the most popular aesthetic treatments of all time. They are quick, easy, and require little-to-no downtime. From fine lines and wrinkles to lost volume to a double chin

Women’s Health

Everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable in and out of the bedroom, so let Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center help. Whether it’s for urinary incontinence or complete vaginal rejuvenation

Acne Treatment

Acne doesn’t discriminate. No matter your age, gender, or race, acne can affect anyone at any time. Acne treatments at Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center are for people who want to avoid going

Skin Rejuvenation

Are your face and body giving away your age? Aging may be inevitable but you don’t have to live with it. Laser skin rejuvenation may be the answer. Laser technologies can help stimulate fresh

Laser Tattoo Removal

A regrettable tattoo can have a significant negative impact on your self-esteem. Luckily, laser technology can be used to help remove tattoos and give you a fresh start. PicoSure® offers the unmatched versatility

Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair can be frustrating, whether you’re a woman, man, or transitioning to your true identity. Temporary removal methods can be expensive, short term, and irritate the skin. Laser hair removal can provide

Body Contouring Center

Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center is the most experienced body contouring center in Washington state. We offer 2 different body sculpting modalities—CoolSculpting®