Are you experiencing blushing, flushing or redness of the face that is persistent or doesn’t go away? Skin redness can be irritating, uncomfortable and even embarrassing. There are many factors that can influence facial redness including: excessive sun damage, broken caparillaries (spider veins), rosacea, and residual redness or inflamation from acne. These conditions may be hereditary, lifestyle-related, or onset with age.
Getting the right treatment to reduce skin redness means first getting the correct diagnosis, because each will require nuanced differences in the treatment approach.
At Mill Creek Skin & Laser Center, we offer a free consultation to assess your individual condition and its causes. We then create a treatment program combining one or more laser therapies with a medical-grade skin regime that can help manage, reduce or eliminate facial redness.
These laser therapies include:
- KTP Laser
- IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
- Nd: YAG Laser
Laser Treatment | Redness Treatment
*Individual results may vary.